Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Greetings From South Africa! (Photos Up!)

Greetings from Marbarhule, South Africa! As many of you know, this June I flew to DC to begin training with Think Impact’s Innovation Institute. Think Impact facilitates the start up of social enterprises in rural Kenya and South Africa. The Innovation Institute hosts about 45 participants in 5 villages, who collaborate with local community members to boost employment and resource access through the creation of social businesses and coops. I will spend the rest of the summer (through Aug. 11) partnering in these efforts. (Check out our group blog at www.thinkimpact.org.)

women's co-op

local youth choir
Marbaruhle is a friendly village of 2,500 situated right on the edge of Kruger National Park, one of Africa’s most famous game reserves in the province of Mpumalanga. The landscape is flat and open and full of sand. The trees are crooked and plentiful. The streets are full of children playing and you can’t walk more than a few yards without being greeted by someone. I live on the south side of town, sharing a room with one other American in the home of a very large and generous Shangaan family. We’ve spent the last three weeks here building relationships and learning the cultural and economic practices of the community. We meet as a team daily for training, brainstorming and debriefing.

neighborhood kids

my roommate with our host stay family

the view on my morning run
There are many needs here- nutrition, water access, unemployment, HIV/AIDS and other diseases to name a few. But the community is rich- fertile soil, strong families, varied vegetation and wildlife, handicraft, tenacious cultural identity and much more. We will not make significant monetary donations while here. We will make strategic and wholehearted investments of our time, energy, ideas, creative capacity and knowledge of best practices. Through the lens of asset based community development, we will engage poverty and social issues by helping community members access their own resources, unlocking the means to greater self-sufficiency. Soon we will form small teams within the community to address these challenges more directly, supporting and strategizing with small business owners and coops, exploring the economic and social implications of existing norms,while also offering new ideas. I will keep you posted as things develop!

traditional healer

viewing the wildlife on safari

our sidekick
outdoor wash station
For those wondering about Haiti, a brief update. Firstly, endless thanks to all those who supported me through a rough transition- I was in a bus accident in April while there, but I am doing fine now and healing up quite well. Particular thanks to Jeff in Miami, as well as the band of doctors who donated to my care.I was sent off by GrassRoots United with full support and the invitation to return anytime to re-invest new found skills. To the crew in Port-au-Prince: You guys are my heroes and I can’t wait to see you in the desert!
I also want to say thank you to the many people who rallied together to get me here. The moral and financial support that you provided was moving, and this wouldn’t be happening without you. For those with interest, I am still fundraising costs related to the remainder of this project as well as my return home. Details for tax deductible giving though my profile on empowered.org can be found through the “DONATE NOW” link on this blog. Checks (non-tax deductible) can also be made out to “Sarah Fiskness” and mailed to: PO Box 12326 Olympia, WA 98508. Unfortunately, my internet access is very limited right now, but do feel free to field any questions through the ThinkImpact office. If anyone wants to call me here in South Africa on my roommate’s mobile at 079.180.7346, feel free!
Sala Kahle!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Life in Haiti

Day 75 in Haiti. I am watching the banana trees sway in the breeze and thinking about the many events that led me to this moment. I am living in Port-au-Prince now working as volunteer coordinator for GrassRoots United (GRU). I was also recently accepted to a social entrepreneurship program this summer in South Africa with Think Impact. Upon completion, GRU has invited me to return to Haiti (or the next deployment) to begin a social entrepreneurship chapter for the organization. 

Thank you to all who voted for me in the scholarship contest! I didn't win, but the support I felt was amazing. I am now exploring other avenues for funding, as work with GRU is 100% volunteer driven. (From the executive director down, we all pay to be here.) I have included a budget below and a donation link for those interested.

For those of you that have followed my journey over the years through newsletters or other means, 2010 was a big year: one undergrad degree, four moves, one garage sale and one intimidating decision to get on a plane to return to the life that I love. After five sweet, challenging years in the motherland (Olympia, WA) I am back on the road again - back to aid work - back to the heat and chaos and romance of life in the developing world.

Haiti is a beautiful country. It continues, one year after the quake, to be a nation full of dichotomies: courage, resiliency, exploitation, poverty. GRU is an international disaster response organization which specializes in logistics support- we serve as a hub for NGOs to collaborate and connect to resources. Projects include: medical distribution, orphanage support, alternative & natural building, cholera education, local & international volunteer training and more. I coordinate new volunteers coming in to do this work: overseeing applications, correspondence, orientation, etc. I make sure that people who are ready to work have the arrangements necessary to get to GRU and into the field.

Think Impact runs social entrepreneurships in South Africa and Kenya, promoting employment in local villages. The Innovation Institute is a ten week training which facilitates hands on experience and mentorship with these projects. For many years I have been interested in employment related poverty intervention. This opportunity will allow me the chance to collaborate with a highly reputable organization, training, networking and gaining relevant skills for GRU and other future locations.

DONATE  Tax deductible donations can be made through GRU's fiscal sponsor Omprakash.
**Please be sure to write in the note section "Sarah - GRU." If you would like your donation to go to a specific part of my budget, feel free to include that in the notes section as well.
VOLUNTEER in Haiti. For questions, email me at sarah.f@grassrootsunited.org
THANK YOU for all your support!

Projected Budget:
Airfare to and from Innovation Institute:
$700 needed by April 7
Think Impact Tuition (includes Africa airfare):
$6,000 needed by May 14
Other living expenses (now through June):
$600 monthly
Total  $7300

Stay in touch and please do not hesitate to contact me if I can provide you with further information!

natural/alternative building at our facility: earthship (left) straw bale house (right)

the yurt i live in on site
medical supply re-distribution

english classes at GRU

students in jacmel
construction of 60' "pacific domes" classroom
dome building team
frame in place

classroom finished

internally displaced persons (IDP) camp

water drainage

earthquake damage


en ville